Jun 10, 2013

I used to write everyday.

In the youth exchange program, I write every night. I wrote my journal.  It’s just some superficial things that I have done every single day in the program, not specifically what is the deep understanding or lessons that I learned from the program. Well, I begin to realize that I should conclude every actions and interactions that I made in the program as a life learning lessons, the experience of my lifetime.

There are a lot of mistakes that I made, things that I wish I did not say, things that I wish I did not do, solution that I think proper to any conflicts that I  faced, and so on. If you ask me what will I change if I can rewind the program, I’ll say I will not change anything. Life is not supposed to be perfect, this program is a school for me, non formal education places to learn how to survive in life. This kind of wonderful program only happens once in a lifetime. Actually I am glad that I was under twenty when I was in the program, I learned things that other nineteen years old might not get in the real life. I found a sister, I found brothers, I found loyal friends, I learned to accept friends the way they are, I learned to deal with conflicts, I learned to rely on my self, and I learned to let go. 

here is the slide show that my friend made when we were in Canada.

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