Oct 7, 2013

2nd day of V.O.C

A year ago, October 7th 2012,

I was woken up in the early morning, by my roommate, Emma. She squated beside my bed, and asked me, “Is it your alarm?” while pointing to my cellphone. I nodded, and then I turned my alarm off, and go back to sleep, and so was Emma. It is about 7am in the morning when I woke up completely, and I felt guilty because my alarm woke Emma up, not me, because I am too tired of the 36 hours flight.

I took shower and prayed, (it is still subuh there, altough it’s 7am. Emma glanced me a little, and get back under her blanket. She might be wondering what I did, with praying clothes (mukenah) and prayed. We did not talked much, because the rest of the morning we were busy with our own things.

I do not really remember what did we ate for breakfast that day, it might be some pancakes with maple syrup or waffle with maple syrup. After breakfast, I tried to operate the old laundry machine in Stevens House, cause  I really need to wash my clothes. I asked how to operate it with Emma and Sarah. The laundry machine is totally different than the one that I have in my home in Indonesia.

We had our first session that day, and another tiring session, but it was a lot of fun. We also took a huge group picture.

We also had our first Halifax-Depok group session, to get to know each other’s name, by this adjective game. So basically in this game you have to put an adjective before your real name, but the word must have the same letter as your name, for example, Walking Wilma (Wilma is our supervisor). I think it’s Bold Brad (our Canadian supervisor),
Rock Reid (Reid Thomson),
Visible Visya (Visya Septiana),
Kissy Ken (Ken Nakanishi),
Delicious Dima (Delima Suma Bestari),
Kangaroo Kayla (Kayla Pedscalny),
Funny Faisal (Faisal Maulana),
Nifty Nikolai (Nikolai Neun Hornick), 
Top Terry (Terry Ray),
A... Amazing Ananta? or Antelope Ananta? (Ananta Wijaya),
Instant Ichal (Chalid Susanto),
Truly Tangkas (Tangkas Saputra),
Delightful Daphne (Daphne Ostiguy-Durand),
Yummy Yeniffer (Yeniffer Pang-Chung),
Nice Natasha (Natasha Johnson),
Amicable Ariane (Ariane Michaud),
Talkative Tika (Mustika Arini)
Overprotective Ona (Ivona Dorobia)
Delay Dila (Fadillah Zamzam)

I wrote, “Sleep early” in my journal. It means that I did not do anything after the dusk, just went back to stevens house, and sleep. I remember I woke up in the middle of the night, because I was too hungry, and I had “Mie Gelas” in the mug, and drank hot ginger beverage with Sarah Hini, (A Canadian participant from Truro-Sei Go Hong group) that accidentaly went to the kitchen. We talked and enjoyed the hot ginger beverage, I remember she said how she loves ginger and she might be fit for any Indonesian food and beverage in the future. Before I went back to my room, I walked around inside the house alone, It was creepy, because the interior of the house reminds me of any horror movie scene, then went upstairs, and sleep in my comfortable room.


  1. Hy hy hy.. lucky girl :)
    untung nemu post ny d grup NPEDC tual. Knalin inggih -Polsri deket kn sm Bengkulu.. mngkin kmren d NPEDC blm smpet kenalan hhe... suka bgt baca blog ny.,
    btw, udh selesai kuliahnya nih? Politehnik kan.. soalny klo msh kuliah gmn ngatur jdwal ny, kn 6 bulanan bwt kegiatan ini dear..


    1. Hi Inggih, of course I remember you, you're Sahrial's teammate right? I like your post too, it's creative and so cute. saya masih kuliah, krn kmrn cuti kuliah setahun, jadi masih ada dua tahun lg nih kuliah. Inggih masih aktif debate?
